Highland Wonders
Past Events
Did you miss one of OHA’s natural history presentations? Or, maybe you would like a refresher on what you learned? Browse our Past Events by category below, or visit & subscribe to The OHA’s Highland Wonders YouTube Channel!
A Year in the Life of North American Owls
Bird Songs: Evening Talk and Morning Walk: May 19-20, 2023
Birding and Working at Lost Lake
Birding in the Highlands
Feathered Architects
Gifts of the Crow
Grouse and Spouse
Grouse of the Okanogan
Local Loon Tales
Local Loons: How they Survive and Where they Go
Majestic Birds of Prey
Owls and Woodpeckers of the Okanogan Highlands and Beyond
Phantom of the North: the Elusive Great Gray Owl
Podcast! Birdwatching Is For You (Who Me? Yes, You!) S4:E2
Podcast! Gifts of the Crow S3: E3
Podcast! Grouse of the Okanogan, Highland Wonders S1:E2
Podcast! Phantom of the north: great gray owls, Highland Wonders S1:E1
Podcast! The Saga of Washington’s Wildlife S3: E2
Podcast! The World Needs More Birders S2:E4
Podcast! Washington’s Not So Common Loons S1:E5
Revealing Bird Bones and Skeletons
Swan’s Journey – Understanding the World’s Largest Waterfowl
The Saga of Washington’s Fish and Wildlife
The World Needs More Birders
Washington’s Not-so-Common Loon
Ecology, Ecosystems, & Water
Cedar Ecology
Chew on This
Ecosystems of the Okanogan
Era of Megafires
Everybody’s Favorite Topic: The Weather
Healthy Highland Streams: Form and Function
Highland Wonders Field Trip: Mushroom Mosey, Fall Edition!
Journeying Undammed Waters: The Free-Flowing Columbia Unveiled
Living with Fire
Lost Lake Forest Trek
Lost Lake: Inside the Gem
Nature’s Engineers: How Beavers Restore Habitat
One Stick at a Time: Climate Vulnerability & Forest Management in the West
Podcast! Wild Mushrooms of the Okanogan S2:E1
Restoring Salmon Habitat in Okanogan County with John Box
Seeing the Forest Among the Trees
Stream Ecology 2014
Stream Ecology 2015
The Beaver Believers: a feature documentary
The Best of All Things: Clean Water
The Magic of Wetlands
Walk through Time in the Highlands
Watershed Functioning, Plant Ecology, and Stream Processes
Why Floodplains Matter
Wild Mushrooms and Fungi Ecology
Geology & Soils
FAQ about Highlands Geology
Geology of the Okanogan Highlands 2011
Geology of the Okanogan Highlands 2012
Geology of the Okanogan Highlands 2013
Geology of the Okanogan Highlands 2014
Landscapes and Landforms of the Okanogan Highlands: 2022 Field Trip with Dr Karl Lillquist
Landscapes and Landforms of the Okanogan Highlands
Podcast! Sculpted by Ice S3: E1
Reading the Story of the Land through Soils
Soil Science & Story
Ants: Marching in Hidden Worlds
Bumble Bee Field Trip
Butterflies of the Okanogan
Butterfly Field Trip – Gems that Fly
Dragonflies, Indoor Presentation
Dragonfly Field Trip
Native Bees of Washington State
Native Plant Pollinators of NCW
Native Stink Bugs and their Plant Hosts
Our Native Bees (and Other Pollinators) with David Jennings
Wings of Beauty – Butterflies
Bears of Washington
Bighorn Sheep of the Okanogan
Chew on This
Eager Beavers with the Methow Beaver Project
Finding Gulo: Wolverines of the North Cascades with David Moskowitz
Moose In Washington: Living on the Edge
Mountain Caribou and the Inland Rainforest
Nature’s Engineers: How Beavers Restore Habitat
Podcast! All About Bears S3:E5
Podcast! Beaver Believers: The Next Generation (Part 1)
Podcast! Bighorn Sheep of the Okanogan, Highland Wonders S1:E3
Podcast! Canada Lynx and Home Range Wildlife Research S3:E4
Podcast! From the Okanogan to the Sea S2:E2
Podcast! The Secret Life of Bats, Highland Wonders S1:E4
The Beaver Believers: a feature documentary
The Hidden Lives of Northwest Wildlife
The Saga of Washington’s Fish and Wildlife
The Secret Life of Bats in the Okanogan Highlands and Beyond
The Squirrel World of the Pacific Northwest
Native Plants, Mosses, & Lichens
Botanical Gems of the Okanogan Highlands
Cedar Ecology
Evening with the Experts
From Pollen to Flowers: Plant Life Cycles
Grassland Ecology and Grass Identification, Field Trip
Grassland Ecology and Grass Identification, Indoor Presentation
Highland Wildflowers: Their Beauty and Their Biology
Lost Lake Moss Walk with Erica Heinlen
Native Plant Hike at Lost Lake
Podcast! Grasslands of the Okanogan S4:E1
Podcast! Islands in the Ice: Nunataks S2:E3
Podcast! Traditional Ecological Knowledge S2:E6
Secrets and Strengths of the Moss World
Seeing the Forest Among the Trees
The Evolutionary Story of Plants in the Okanogan with Dana Visalli: November 17, 2023
Those Marvelous, Myriad Lichens
Viva La Naturaleza
Whitebark Pine: Ecology and Conservation of A Threatened Species. Highland Wonders Presentation on January 24, 2025 with Erica Heinlen

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