Wings of Beauty – Butterflies
with Idie Ulsh | May 4, 2012

On Friday, May 4th, Idie Ulsh provided a window into the life of butterflies, with “Wings of Beauty,” a fast moving, fun program on butterflies.
Idie covered differences between moths and butterflies, the natural history of butterflies, egg to adult development of two species, brief butterfly gardening ideas, and identified many butterflies which occur in North Central WA. Through her photographs, Idie also showed a butterfly emerging from a chrysalid.

About Idie Ulsh

Idie Ulsh is the founding president of the Washington Butterfly Association, Past President of Seattle Audubon, freelance nature photographer and an independent college counselor. This program is designed for all ages and her surprise ending will delight all who are fascinated by nature. Idie’s passion and enthusiasm are contagious!
Thank you, Idie, for providing such a fascinating presentation on butterflies and moths!