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Get Lost Trail Race 2023

OHA’s 5th Annual Get Lost Trail Race took place on July 9, 2023. A record number of participants, their trusty supporters, a slate of business sponsors, and a whole cohort of enthusiastic volunteers kept the event running smoothly and safely!

The Get Lost Race represents an opportunity for our community to gather in the beautiful Okanogan Highlands, exercise, recreate and meet up with new and old friends and every year gets better and better! Camping at the Group Camp of the USFS Lost Lake Campground allows us to make a whole weekend out of it! We have such fun, and can’t wait for next year!

You can find race results here:


OHA on the Radio!

In April, 2023, Sarah was interviewed for an episode of Attention Please! a radio program out of KPTZ Port Townsend. This 28 minute interview provides interesting insights to the 30 year history of OHA and the hows and whys of the work that we do in our community and beyond. Please listen, enjoy, and share!

Podcast! Canada Lynx and Home Range Wildlife Research S3:E4

…with Anna Machowicz, Education Director

Join us for a refreshingly fun episode, full of natural history, scientific research, and the developing story of Home Range Wildlife Research, whose mission is “to advance wildlife conservation by conducting high-quality research, educating aspiring biologists, and engaging local communities.” Anna Machowicz, Home Range Education Director, shares exciting news about field training and volunteer opportunities, and explains how Home Range has begun implementation of a long-term study of Canada Lynx populations in the mountains between the Methow and Okanogan – an area that has been significantly altered by two decades of megafires. In all that they do, Home Range invites community volunteers, students, and academics to participate, leading collaborative investigations of wildlife and working to understand how communities and land managers can support wildlife populations and healthy ecosystems into the future. Check out their website: for more information, and to sign up for training and volunteer opportunities! 

For additional information, check out this recent article about Home Range in the Seattle Times:

This podcast is produced by Okanogan Highlands Alliance. For more information or to support OHA, visit our website:

Find the Highland Wonders Podcast:

Podcast Art by Martina Graves

Bird Songs: Evening Talk and Morning Walk: May 19-20, 2023

…with Naturalist, Author, Educator, Photographer David Lukas

To learn more about David’s work, check him out at and

UPDATE! As of Tuesday, May 16, the CCC dinner has been cancelled. We are sorry for any inconvenience but we hope, if you are looking for a tasty meal, you can find dinner at one of our local restaurants.

Podcast! Gifts of the Crow S3: E3

…with John Marzluff

Gifts of the Crow

Dr John Marzluff, professor at the University of Washington’s School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, shares a captivating review of the life history, the anatomy, the culture of corvids, including hilarious and surprising stories of the many ways that these ubiquitous birds both influence and are influenced by people. After listening, we think you might look at your local crows, ravens, magpies and jays with new eyes, and you might even change the way you behave around them! This episode is slightly modified from the original presentation, which took place through OHA’s Highland Wonders Speaker Series in 2016. To learn more about Dr John Marzluff, his work and his research about corvids and other wildlife, visit:

University of Washington’s Avian Conservation Laboratory at:

University of Washington’s School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at:

You can find Dr Marzluff’s books, including Gifts of the Crow: how perception, emotion, and thought allow smart birds to behave like humans (2013) on

To learn more about and support Okanogan Highlands Alliance, visit:

Find the Highland Wonders Podcast:

Podcast Art by Martina Graves

Podcast! The Saga of Washington’s Wildlife S3: E2

…with Ken Bevis, musical accompaniment by Julie Vanderwal

This fast-paced, information-packed, part-spoken musical tour of Washington’s diverse wildlife will inspire awe and excitement (and leave you tappin’ your toes) about the natural history of all of Washington, with special attention to the Okanogan Highlands. Ken Bevis works for the Washington Department of Natural Resources, helping landowners to manage their private forests for habitat and wildlife. 

This podcast was originally presented in 2014 at the Community Cultural Center of Tonasket.

Find the Highland Wonders Podcast:

Podcast Art by Martina Graves

Podcast! Sculpted by Ice S3: E1

…with Karl Lillquist

Kicking off the 3rd season of the Highland Wonders Podcast we are joined by Dr. Karl Lillquist, geography professor from Central Washington University. This summer (June, 2022) Karl led a group of geology enthusiasts on an ice age tour, visiting locations throughout the highlands, from road cuts where deep lake sediments are visible, to eskers and kames, which were formed by stagnant ice, to glacier-carved bedrock hills near Havillah. This podcast hits the highlights, but we expect that after listening you will be excited to learn more, and you are in luck! Dr Lillquist wrote a detailed field guide, complete with a map of our tour locations – if you are in the area, you can take yourself on a tour!

Quick Link to the Field Guide: Field Guide: Landforms and Landscapes of the Okanogan Highlands by Dr Karl Lillquist

Find the Highland Wonders Podcast:

Episode Art by Diana Weddle

A few photos from an ice age field trip through the Okanogan Highlands in June, 2022 with Dr. Karl Lillquist

Clock Hour Course: Highland Wonders Podcast, season 1

Look for this podcast art on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict or

Special for Washington State Educators!

Welcome to the Highland Wonders Podcast Season 1 Clock Hour Course!  These podcast episodes are a fun opportunity to learn more about the iconic species and ecosystems of the Okanogan Highlands, and to get to know a bit about some of the local people who study them. We hope you enjoy, learn a lot, and share the podcast with your friends and family! 

Here are some additional details about Okanogan Highlands Alliance and this clock hour course: please feel welcome to ask questions or give input or ideas at any time ( Thank you for your interest!

About this Highland Wonders Podcast Clock Hour Course:
We are thrilled to be able to offer this clock hour course to educators who are interested in learning more about wildlife, ecosystems and natural history!  While Season 1 (this course) does not qualify as STEM clock hours, we are investigating ways to add technology, engineering and/or math in a tangible way to future podcast seasons and clock hour courses.

This course is free of charge, but donations are always welcome: visit our Support Page to learn about the different ways you can contribute to OHA’s programs and activities.

This is a self-paced course. When you complete all five podcasts and reflections you will have earned the full 5 clock hours. If you want to opt out of one or more episodes, that is fine too – just let me know when you are done and we will process the paperwork! 

If you are not sure how to access podcasts yet, check out the document attached below. If you are still stumped, send an email to

Course Calendar:
Registration: December 1-December 31, 2022
Course is Open: January 1-March 15, 2023

Course Criteria
1. Register: click here to join the Google Classroom

2. To earn one clock hour, listen to one podcast episode and complete the accompanying Reflection (Google Form).

3. You can earn between 1 and 5 clock hours by listening to the podcast, then filling out and submitting the Reflection/Evaluation.

Podcast Episodes Eligible for Clock Hours in this, Season 1:
1. Great Gray Owls: the phantom of the north, with Matt Marsh
2. Grouse of the Okanogan, with Michael Schroeder
3. Bighorn Sheep of the Okanogan, with Jeff Heinlen
4. The Secret Life of Bats, with Roger Christopherson
5. Washington’s Not-So-Common Loons, with Ginger and Dan Poleschook

About Okanogan Highlands Alliance (OHA):
OHA is a conservation non-profit that seeks to increase awareness, appreciation and protection of the diverse ecosystems and wildlife of the Okanogan Highlands. While our homebase is in Tonasket, most of our work takes place in the Okanogan Highlands to the east of town. Our programs include: mine monitoring, habitat restoration and natural history education. To learn more about OHA, to donate, or to learn more about our volunteer opportunities, loop back and check out our website at

Check out Our Participants’s Reviews!

Revealing Bird Bones and Skeletons

with David Lukas

Join OHA and David Lukas on Friday, November 11th for a fascinating evening, taking a deep dive into the form and function of our feathered friends. The presentation will be in person, and also available virtually. A light dinner, benefitting the CCC, starts at 5:30. The presentation starts at 6:30! See the poster for more details or contact if you have questions. Hope to see you next week!

To join virtually, use this invite link:

Landscapes and Landforms of the Okanogan Highlands: 2022 Field Trip with Dr Karl Lillquist

On a beautiful Sunday in June, 2022, Dr Karl Lillquist led an enthusiastic group on a tour of the Okanogan Highlands, observing and discussing evidence of ice sheets and glaciers that are visible on our landscape today. From glacial sediments, to sinuous eskers, to unexpectedly flat areas where ancient glacial lakes and river deltas once covered the land, Dr Lillquist explained how scientists puzzle out the processes that contribute to the geology and geography of a place. As if leading a field trip isn’t enough, Dr Lillquist developed the attached field guide, which is available for all to enjoy!

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