Tag: forest
One Stick at a Time: Climate Vulnerability & Forest Management in the West
Film Screening & Discussion
For the last year, Kent Woodruff, a retired US Forest Service biologist from Winthrop, has been engaging people across the west in discussions about what we can do to soften the impacts of climate change. As our already dry landscape and water resources become impacted by climate change, this topic will be increasingly relevant to our ecological and human communities.
Mountain Caribou and the Inland Rainforest
On Friday, February 3, 2017, David Moskowitz – expert wildlife tracker, photographer, and author – returned to Highland Wonders, bringing an evening of photos and stories exploring the world endangered mountain caribou and the last great inland temperate rainforest left on the planet.
Lost Lake Forest Trek
July 18th, 2015, with George Thornton
The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune wrote a thorough article with photos about this event. (Written by Katie Teachout)
Seeing the Forest Among the Trees
From the Panorama to the Patch: How do People Fit?
Renowned forest ecologist, Herb Hammond, kicked off the Summer 2013 Highland Wonders series with a unique perspective on Okanogan Highlands ecology. “Seeing the Forest Among the Trees,” featured a Friday evening presentation with a Saturday outdoor field trip the following day. This two-part approach provided the best of both venues for maximum learning and enjoyment.