OHA Memos to WA Dept. of Ecology

This page links to several letters that OHA has written over the life of Buckhorn Mine to ensure that Ecology held (and continues to hold) the mining company accountable to rules and regulations for pollution discharge.
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- Water Quality Violations in 2017 and 2018: Evaluation of Golder’s Responses | February 4, 2019
- Comments on the Closure of the Buckhorn Mine | October 3, 2016
- Comments on the Adaptive Management Plan | May 30, 2014
- OHA explained problems with the 2006 AMP and suggested changes that would make the plan approvable. The AMP Crown/Kinross submitted was very similar to the original document, instead of updating the plan based on the effectiveness of monitoring and the past five years of monitoring data as required.
- Gold Bowl Water Quality | July 2, 2010
- OHA’s comments on the Kinross/Crown Resources June 24, 2010 letter to the Washington Department of Ecology regarding the Action Plan for Observed Seepage in Gold Bowl Creek.